Research & Strategy
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Monterey Bay Aquarium

Monterey Bay Aquarium

 The Monterey Bay Aquarium was the theoretical client my J453 (Strategic Planning and Cases) class created a full reopening campaign plan for. This course included in-depth lessons on research, target audience profiles, strategies, objectives, tactics, evaluation, budgets and timelines. Mastery of these subjects culminated in my group’s final “Diving Back In” campaign plan that targeted high-income families in California.

Team members: Meghan Mortensen, Daniel Anderson and Cheyenne Anderson

— To view our full campaign plan, click the button below —

Final campaign plan cover.


Excerpt of feedback from our professor, Courtney Munther:

Cheyenne, Daniel, Paige and Meghan -- fantastic work on your "Diving Back In" plan. What you developed was thorough; well-researched, organized and written; CREATIVE; and overall a seriously smart plan for reopening this organization…

I want to commend the four of you for doing a fantastic job this term. Planning (and doing a group project) completely virtually is hard, but you four did some simply wonderful work here. I don't usually glow about plans that students submit, but I am so impressed with what you've put together. I just wish you four could actually implement this for the aquarium…

— Sample Campaign Deliverables —

From top to bottom: social media posts (employee and animal of the week), business cards to be sent out with virtual auction items and a “Monterey Must-Sees” guidebook

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