Research & Strategy
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J352: Strategic Writing & Media Relations

This course focused on developing skills in strategic writing and media relations. Students learned how to write PR materials like news releases, email story pitches and feature stories.

— Media Kit —

Project: Test your media relations skills by creating a media kit that could be used to engage journalists to publish or broadcast a specific story. Develop a newsworthy story idea, research specific journalists to target and craft effective written materials (e.g., a news release, email pitches, a feature article, etc.) generated from the perspective of the “client” that you would be representing if this were a real task in the working world. 

My story topic: The San Diego Zoo launching an online educational video series for kids during the COVID-19 pandemic.

— News Releases —

Assignments: Write a news release for a “client” about the theoretical situation or event that is detailed in the assignment description.

— Email Pitches —

Assignment: Write two separate email pitches to “Around the O” about the same subject/topic but with different approaches: (1) the “tell a story” approach and (2) the more straightforward “I have an idea for a story” approach.

— Feature Story —

Assignment:  Interview someone about a job or skill you do not understand. Then, write a feature story on that individual and also discuss in detail how your “something” works in a way that would be easily understandable to a reader.

For this assignment, I interviewed my dad about his job in wastewater management and described the wastewater treatment process.